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Food Sensitivities and Your Health

In today's society, food sensitivities are on the rise. One out of three people report that they have a food allergy or sensitivity. A number of theories exist to explain the increase, including the quality of our food supply, the types of foods we eat, food additives and preservatives, parasitic infections and Candida, enzyme deficiency, stress and the toxins in our environment.

The reactions of food sensitivities are often delayed taking several hours to several days to appear. The symptoms can vary from person to person and may include headaches, gastrointestinal symptoms, skin irritations, joint pain, anxiety and allergy symptoms among others. Holistic approaches have a lot to offer in terms of assessment methods and healing strategies to recover from food sensitivities.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Melissa Dengler, ND received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania, in 2001. She received her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2005 and then completed a one year residency in family medicine at the Southwest Naturopathic Medical Center in Scottsdale, AZ with a special focus in homeopathy, environmental medicine and clinical nutrition.

Upon completion of her residency she returned to her home state of Pennsylvania and is now in private practice and teaches holistic nutrition and courses in health and wellness for several universities. In her practice, Dr. Dengler is pleased to offer natural health care for the whole family and specializes in food sensitivities and gastrointestinal conditions as well as women's health and hormone balancing. She takes an individualized approach to health and is committed to supporting the body’s inherent ability to heal using natural therapies to restore health.

Dr. Melissa Dengler, ND
Vitality Natural Health and Wellness Center, LLC
570 Washington Street
Meadville, PA 16335
Phone: 814-720-4825
Fax: 814-601-0930


Speaker Bio:

Debbie Peterson:

Have you ever asked yourself, “What do I want to be when I grow up?”

Have you ever wished you had a job that doesn’t seem like work because you enjoy it so much? Then dismiss the thought as impossible.

Have you ever pondered, “What is my purpose? Who am I supposed to be in my life?”

Have you ever felt guilty because you have a life in which you should be happy but aren’t?

Do you remember the days when you had dreams about what you wanted to be, do and have? Then life happened and you ended up someplace different?

You’re not who you were…You don’t recognize who you are…You don’t know who you are meant to be.

Does the thought of doing something about any of this overwhelm you? Do you want to do something anyway?

Well then, Congratulations and Welcome! My name is Debbie Peterson and I founded Getting to Clarity for women who, like you, are done with feeling this way and want to discover and fulfill their life’s purpose with confidence and clarity.

I want to share one of my most favorite quotes –

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

- Mark Twain

I remember the first day I saw this quote – it was 2013 and it actually came through my email on my birthday! It also happened to be the day I filed the paperwork to create Getting To Clarity. What a sign! I remember how I felt when I read it, that feeling of potential and just…rightness. That’s what I want for you! It doesn’t happen overnight though and it is a journey. There are plenty of “sign posts” along the way if you are looking for them. Allow me to guide you as your experiences and lessons of the past serve you as you move forward, and do so now with intention. Knowing with clarity what opportunities You want to Create.

Speaker Bio:

Kelli Wright:

Kelli Wright RN, BSN received her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, in 1997. She started working at Meadville Medical Center as a registered nurse in 1999. She has worked in mental health, intensive care, cardiac, dialysis, and as a nursing supervisor as well as being and reservist for the Army Nurse Corps for ten years.

Last year, her mother and aunt were diagnosed with breast cancer and she decided to transfer to the Yolanda G. Barco Oncology Institute as a Clinical Oncology Navigator. Her job is to educate patients in the process of cancer treatment specializing in the breast cancer patient. She also works in community outreach educating on prevention and early detection of cancer.

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